Publication Ethics

Code of Ethics;

The author (s) and the persons active in the journal (editor of the journal, members of the editorial board, internal editor, editor and publisher) must accept and agree on the rules and ethical charter of the journal. The COPE Valley Ethics Charter is a guide for authors and contributors to this publication ( The journal also uses copywriter software to prevent plagiarism.

The journal welcomes the acceptance of authoritative research articles that contain new and non-adapted scientific material and points, and is exempt from publishing articles based on collection or translation. The journal is free to accept, reject, modify, and edit received articles.

Publisher Criteria

The personal information of the authors of the articles should be kept strictly confidential to all persons who have access to it, such as the editor, members of the editorial board and the internal and executive director of the journal, and other active actors (other than the author). Protect it at all times. Except in the case of plagiarism, the provision of information to the relevant follow-up committee is unrestricted.

Fair judgment: Decisions about articles should be made at any stage regardless of the authors' race, gender, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship, or political philosophy.

Inform quarterly policy writers, readers, and professional judges. And be reviewed periodically, especially in relation to newly announced recommendations.

Organizations, sponsors and responsible executives should be followed up on suspicious fraud investigations.

Criteria for authors

Articles are the result of studies, experiences and research of the author or authors. Those works should be cited if others' research is used. Plagiarism in any way possible, such as using another research, copying, or writing research or the findings of others with different wording, etc., is immoral and unacceptable.

Articles have not been published in any of the domestic and foreign journals or in the collection of articles of seminars and scientific conferences, or have not been sent to other journals at the same time. Otherwise, while deleting the article, we apologize for accepting subsequent articles.

Identify the author responsible for the article.

Withdrawal from reviewing the article is possible only after 10 days of uploading on the site. It is not possible to cancel after the article has entered the judging process. It is also not possible to cancel the publication of articles that have been accepted for publication.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest: Authors should disclose the financial and support resources of the existing article. Any affiliation of authors that may be considered by the publication of the article as a potential conflict of interest of other institutions and cause their gain or loss should also be declared.

The overlap of the article with other published articles should be noted so that the editorial board can make the final decision on whether to reject or accept the article.

The original rejected or canceled articles will be removed from the quarterly archive after six months and the quarterly will not be responsible for it.

In case of any errors and inaccuracies in the article, the author should inform the quarterly of the observed errors and cooperate in order to eliminate the errors and correct the article.

The journal is solely committed to publishing articles based on initial upload and will not add or remove any other person or persons in the process of judging, revising and final printing.

 Criteria for judges

The result of the arbitration should be sent within a reasonable time and if the possibility of arbitration is not possible, the quarterly office should be notified without delay.

If the submitted article is not a judge in the specialized field, or if he can comment only on a part of the article, inform the quarterly office and announce their specialized field.

The arbitrators should respect the confidentiality of the subject matter of the article in the arbitration and keep the original article and the details of the arbitration confidential during the arbitration period. Unless the article is accepted by the Quarterly for publication.

In cases where the referee feels unable to judge the article fairly and unintentionally, return it.

If they cooperate with the article submitted for review, return it.

During the arbitration period, do not use the information in the article for their own benefit or for the benefit or loss of another person or organization.

Do the judging yourself and do not leave it to other people without the permission of the quarterly.

If they identify the author from an anonymous article, they should inform the Quarterly Office in order to avoid conflicts of interest.

Necessary explanations should be mentioned along with references to the examples and evidence in the article. And to provide general evidence and references to general cases, such as "this research has already been done", in order to prove his claim, so that the editor of the article can make a fair decision in his evaluation and decision. It is also important to suggest the necessary corrections to the article.

Criteria for editors

The editor has full authority to reject or accept any article and is responsible for the overall quality of the published articles.

The editor should always suggest and implement strategies to improve the quality of articles.

The editor should give them the necessary guidance on what to expect from the author. These guidelines should be regularly and up-to-date available to the quarterly audience.

The anonymity of the judges and authors should be maintained until a decision has been made on the article.

Conflicts of interest between editorial staff, writers and judges must be properly resolved.