Cultural consumption of media and identity changes: a survey about Oramanat region of Kermanshah province

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor, Department of Sociology, Payamnoor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran



The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between media consumption and identity changes. In other words, it tries to study the interaction of identity dimensions on each other and their relationship with the amount of media consumption. This applied research, which is of a descriptive-causal type, was conducted with a survey method (cross-sectional type) and used the standard questionnaire tool of Selgi et al. (2014) to collect data. The statistical population of four centers of Oramanat region in Kermanshah, which was obtained using multi-stage cluster sampling method and according to Cochran's formula, the sample size was 384 people. The findings show that in the correlation matrix of the four dimensions of identity, there is a direct and significant relationship between ethnic and national identity and religious identity. Also, this relationship between religious identity and global identity is inverse and significant. The relationship between national identity and consumption of national media (TV) is positive, and between this dimension of identity and consumption of Kurdish-language satellite channels is inverse. What is called ethnic identity has a direct and significant relationship with Kurdish-speaking satellites. Also, there is an inverse relationship between religious identity and the amount of use of Kurdish language satellites and a positive relationship with national television, and these two variables together explain about 7% of the changes in religious identity. Finally, modern identity has an inverse relationship with national television consumption and a positive and significant relationship with satellite, and these two variables predict about 5% of modern identity changes. Another result of this research is that in the hierarchy of identity, the ethnic identity of the respondents was the highest with an average of 4 and the modern identity was the lowest with an average of 3.88. In terms of identity preference, the respondents first of all considered themselves to be Muslim, then Kurdish and then Iranian. In terms of media consumption, the amount of use of official media such as television and provincial network by the respondents was very low and they heavily use virtual space and new social networks.


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