Semiotic analysis of women’s images in the murals of Tehran city

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in sociology, Branch of Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Branch of Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Branch of Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



This research, considering the importance of the social position of women and their role in various fields of society, aims to sociologically analyze the representation of women’s images in the murals of Tehran. The method of this research is categorized under qualitative studies, utilizing the social semiotics approach of Kress and Van Leeuwen. The data of this study includes 80 murals across Tehran, selected purposively from the main and significant murals in the city's main squares. The time frame for selecting the murals is June and July of 2023. Sampling continued until reaching saturation. The data were categorized using MAXQDA software version 2020. The results indicate that the focus and emphasis of the analyzed murals in representing the social components of women are on religious identity (depicted through various actions such as praying or making supplications), national and patriotic identity (represented by images of martyrdom or defense of national and patriotic values), and emotional identity, particularly motherhood with care and affection. The social and economic status of women in the murals of Tehran reflects an independent woman, often employed, holding a valuable social position within the family and possessing professional prestige. These murals, with emphasis on high social positions such as being a martyr’s mother, the esteemed role of motherhood, studentship, research, and specialized professions like medicine and engineering, aim to present a respectable and independent image of women.


Main Subjects

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