Semantic analysis of visual elements of Iranian handwoven fabrics in Safavid era

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A. student of Illustration, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Branch of Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative History of Islamic Art, Faculty of Arts ,Branch of Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate professor, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran Community Verified icon



Handwoven traditional fabrics are representations and carriers of the oldest meanings, traditions, and historical customs of Iranian civilization. These ancient artifacts, as the material aspects of civilization, simultaneously narrate the most spiritual dimensions of everyday life and the ordinary culture of common people. The Safavid era, symbolizing the Iranian culture's revolt against the intrusive "other," manifested its spirit in certain civilizational artifacts, including handwoven fabrics and the motifs depicted on them. This study aims to conduct a semiotic analysis of the motifs and visual elements in the Safavid-era textile industry, as well as to examine the impact of the art of that period on the trajectory of art in later periods. The research employs a semiotic methodology and purposive sampling. The findings indicate that Safavid textiles exhibit a remarkable variety and richness of motifs, with the entirety of the fabric often adorned with a blend of inscriptions, motifs, and narrative or romantic themes. The integration of romantic, religious, and national themes in many of these artifacts reflects the Iranian civilization's effort to distance itself from the "other" and construct a novel form of Iranian-Islamic identity. The continuation of this endeavor is clearly observable in various forms during subsequent periods, even in other artistic genres.


Main Subjects

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