Sociological explanation of the impacts of feeling insecurity on social participation among villagers in Kurdistan

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student in Sociology, North Tehran Branch ,Islamic Azad University, Tehran , Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



The purpose of the present study is "to know the effect of the sense of social security on the social participation of villagers" in Kurdistan province. present research method; It is quantitative, practical in terms of purpose and cross-sectional in terms of time, which was done using survey and questionnaire technique. The studied community is all the residents of the villages of Saqez , Baneh , Marivan and Sarovabadin Kurdistan province, which in 1402 according to the census of 2015, the rural population of this province was a total of 222174 people. Is. The sample size was calculated using Cochran's formula of 384 people. Sampling was done based on classification and the number of samples was distributed based on population share in each village and questionnaires were randomly distributed among them. SPSS software was used for data analysis. Data processing, analysis and statistical analysis were done using descriptive and inferential correlation tests, multivariate regression and path analysis). The findings of the research showed that the contribution of each of the subjective and objective dimensions of the feeling of security on the participation of villagers were: social trust (0.487), religious adherence (0.417), feeling of peace (0.371), awareness of individual rights (0.020). The set of independent variables are able to explain the changes of social participation variable. The results of the research showed that the objective dimensions are more effective and have more priority than the subjective dimensions of the sense of security among the villagers in the west of the country.


Main Subjects